Deleting nodes

You can delete nodes by providing a CSV file that contains a single column, node_id, like this:


Values in the node_id column can be numeric node IDs (as illustrated above), full URLs, or full URL aliases.

The config file for update operations looks like this (note the task option is 'delete'):

task: delete
host: "http://localhost:8000"
username: admin
password: islandora
input_csv: delete.csv

Note that when you delete nodes using this method, all media associated with the nodes are also deleted, unless the delete_media_with_nodes configuration option is set to false (it defaults to true). Typical output produced by a delete task looks like this:

Node http://localhost:8000/node/89 deleted.
+ Media http://localhost:8000/media/329 deleted.
+ Media http://localhost:8000/media/331 deleted.
+ Media http://localhost:8000/media/335 deleted.

Note that taxonomy terms created with new nodes are not removed when you delete the nodes.


Drupal does not allow a user to delete or modify media files unless the user originally created (or is the owner) of the file. This means that if you created a media using "user1" in your Workbench configuration file, only "user1" can delete or modify those files. For delete tasks, the value of username will need to be the same as the username used to create the original media attached to nodes. If the username defined in a delete task is not the same as the Drupal user who owns the files, Drupal will return a 403 response, which you will see in your Workbench logs.

If you want the user to be presented with "You are about to delete [number] nodes and their attached media. Continue? (y/n)" (where [number] is the number of node IDs in the input file), add the following to your delete task configuration file:

prompt_user_before_delete_task: true

If they answer "y", Workbench will proceed; if they answer anything else, Workbench will exit.