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Updating media

You can update media by providing a CSV file with a media_id column and other columns representing the fields of the media that you wish to update. Here is a very simple example CSV that updates the file attached to the media with ID 100:


Values in the media_id column can be numeric node IDs (as illustrated above), full URLs, or full URL aliases.

The minimum configuration file for "update_media" tasks looks like this (note the task option is update_media):

task: update_media
host: "http://localhost:8000"
username: admin
password: islandora
input_csv: update_media.csv
media_type: file

media_type is required, and its value is the Drupal machine name of the type of media you are updating (e.g. image, document, file, video, etc.)

Currently, the update_media routine has support for the following operations:

  • Updating files attached to media
  • Updating the set of track files attached to media
  • Updating the Media Use TIDs associated with media
  • Updating the published status of media
  • Updating custom fields of any supported field type

When updating field values on the media, the update_mode configuration option allows you to determine whether the field values are appendeded or deleted:

  • replace (the default) will replace all existing values in a field with the values in the input CSV.
  • append will add values in the input CSV to any existing values in a field.
  • delete will delete all values in a field.

Updating files attached to media


Updating files attached to media is currently only supported for media attached to a node.


This operation will delete the existing file attached to the media and replace it with the file specified in the CSV file. The update_mode setting has no effect on replacing files.

To update the file attached to a media, you must provide a CSV file with, at minimum, a media_id column and a file column. The media_id column should contain the ID of the media you wish to update, and the file column should contain the path to the file you wish to attach to the media (always use file and not the media-type-specific file fieldname). Here is an example CSV that updates the file attached to the media with ID 100:


Values in the file column can be paths to files on the local filesystem, full URLs, or full URL aliases.

Updating the track files attached to media


This functionality is currently only supported for media attached to a node.


This operation will delete all existing track files attached to the media and replace them with the track files specified in the CSV file.

To update the set of track files attached to a media, you must provide a CSV file with, at minimum, a media_id column and a column with a name that matches the media_track_file_fields setting in the configuration file. By default, the media_track_file_fields setting in the configuration file is set to field_track for both audio and video. If you have a custom setup that has a different machine name of the field on the media that holds the track file and need to override these defaults, you can do so using the media_track_file_fields configuration setting:

 audio: field_my_custom_track_file_field
 mycustommmedia: field_another_custom_track_file_field

For the purposes of this example, we will assume that the media_track_file_fields setting is set to field_track for both audio and video.

The media_id column should contain the ID of the media you wish to update, and the field_track column should contain information related to the track files you wish to attach to the media. The field_track has a special format, which requires you to specify the following information separated by colons, in exactly the following order: - The label for the track - Its "kind" (one of "subtitles", "descriptions", "metadata", "captions", or "chapters") - The language code for the track ("en", "fr", "es", etc.) - The absolute path to the track file, which must have the extension ".vtt" (the extension may be in upper or lower case)

Here is an example CSV that updates the set of track files attached to the media with ID 100:

100,English Subtitles:subtitles:en:/path/to/subtitles.vtt

You may also wish to attach multiple track files to a single media. To do this, you can specify items in the field_track column separated by the subdelimeter specified in the configuration file (by default, this is the pipe character, "|"). Here is an example CSV that updates the set of track files attached to the media with ID 100 to have multiple track files:

100,English Subtitles:subtitles:en:/path/to/subtitles.vtt|French Subtitles:subtitles:fr:/path/to/french_subtitles.vtt

Updating the media use TIDs associated with media

To update the Media Use TIDs associated with media, you must provide a CSV file with, at minimum, a media_id column and a media_use_tid column. The media_id column should contain the ID of the media you wish to update, and the media_use_tid column should contain the TID(s) of the media use term(s) you wish to associate with the media. If a value is not specified for the media_use_tid column in a particular row, the value for the media_use_tid setting in the configuration file (Service File by default) will be used. Here is an example CSV that updates the Media Use TID associated with the media with ID 100:


You may also wish to associate multiple Media Use TIDs with a single media. To do this, you can specify items in the media_use_tid column separated by the subdelimeter specified in the configuration file (by default, this is the pipe character, "|"). Here is an example CSV that updates the Media Use TIDs associated with the media with ID 100 to have multiple Media Use TIDs:


Values in the media_use_tid column can be the taxonomy term ID of the media use or the taxonomy term URL alias.

Updating the published status of media

To update the published status of media, you must provide a CSV file with, at minimum, a media_id column and a status column. The media_id column should contain the ID of the media you wish to update, and the status column should contain one of the following case-insensitive values:

  • "1" or "True" (to publish the media)
  • "0" or "False" (to unpublish the media)

Here is an example CSV that updates the published status of some media:


Updating custom fields attached to media

To update custom fields attached to media, you must provide a CSV file with, at minimum, a media_id column and columns with the machine names of the fields you wish to update.

The media_id column should contain the ID of the media you wish to update, and the other columns should contain the values you wish to set for the fields. Here is an example CSV that updates the published status of some media:

100,My Media,My Custom Value

Leaving fields unchanged

If you wish to leave a field unchanged, you can leave it blank in the column for that field. Here is an example CSV that updates the published status of some media and leaves others unchanged:
