Updating nodes

You can update existing nodes by providing a CSV file with a node_id column plus field data you want to update. The type of update is determined by the value of the update_mode configuration option:

  • replace (the default) will replace all existing values in a field with the values in the input CSV.
  • append will add values in the input CSV to any existing values in a field.
  • delete will delete all values in a field.

The column headings in the CSV file other than node_id must match machine names of fields that exist in the target Islandora content type. Only include fields that you want to update. Workbench can update fields following the same CSV conventions used when creating nodes as described in the "Fields" documentation.

For example, using the fields defined by the Islandora Defaults module for the "Repository Item" content type, your CSV file could look like this:

100,This is my new title,I have changed my mind. This item is yours to keep.,27,45

The config file for update operations looks like this (note the task option is 'update'):

task: update
host: "http://localhost:8000"
username: admin
password: islandora
content_type: my_content_type
input_csv: update.csv

If you want to append the values in the CSV to values that already exist in the target nodes, add the update_mode configuration option:

task: update
host: "http://localhost:8000"
username: admin
password: islandora
content_type: my_content_type
input_csv: update.csv
update_mode: append

Some things to note:

  • If your target Drupal content type is not islandora_object (the default value), you must include content_type in your configuration file as illustrated above.
  • The update_mode applies to all rows in your CSV; it cannot be specified for particular rows.
  • Updates apply to entire fields. Workbench cannot replace individual values in field.
  • Values in the node_id column can be numeric node IDs (e.g. 467) or full URLs, including URL aliases.
  • If a node you are updating doesn't have a field named in your input CSV, Workbench will skip updating the node and add a log entry to that effect.
  • For update tasks where the update_mode is "replace" or "append", blank/empty CSV values will do nothing; in other words, empty CSV values tell Workbench to not update the field.
  • For update tasks where the update_mode is "delete", it doesn't matter if the column(s) in the input CSV are blank or contain values - the values in the corresponding Drupal fields are deleted in both cases.
  • Islandora Workbench will never allow a field to contain more values than the field's configuration allows. Attempts to update a field with more values than the maximum number allowed will result in the surplus values being ignored during the "update" task. If Workbench does this, it will write an entry to the log indicating it has done so.