The configuration file
Workbench uses a YAML configuration whose location is indicated in the --config
argument. This file defines the various options it will use to create, update, or delete Islandora content. The simplest configuration file needs only the following four options:
task: create
host: "http://localhost:8000"
username: admin
password: islandora
In this example, the task
being performed is creating nodes (and optionally media). Other tasks are create_from_files
, update
, delete
, add_media
, update_media
, and delete_media
. Some of the configuration settings documented below are used in all tasks, while others are only used in specific tasks.
Configuration settings
The settings defined in a configuration file are documented in the tables below, grouped into broad functional categories for easier reference. The order of the options in the configuration file doesn't matter, and settings do not need to be grouped together in any specific way in the configuration file.
Use of quotation marks
Generally speaking, you do not need to use quotation marks around values in your configuration file. You may wrap values in quotation marks if you wish, and many examples in this documentation do that (especially the host
setting), but the only values that should not be wrapped in quotation marks are those that take true
or false
as values because in YAML, and many other computer/markup languages,"true"
is a string (in this case, an English word that can mean many things) and true
is a reserved symbol that can mean one thing and one thing only, the boolean opposite of false
(I'm sorry for this explanation, I can't describe the distinction in any other way without writing a primer on symbolic logic).
For example, the following is a valid configuration file:
task: create
host: http://localhost:8000
username: admin
password: islandora
nodes_only: true
- field_linked_agent: relators:aut:person:Jordan, Mark
- field_model: 25
But the following version is not valid, since there are quotes around "true"
in the nodes_only
task: create
host: http://localhost:8000
username: admin
password: islandora
nodes_only: "true"
- field_linked_agent: relators:aut:person:Jordan, Mark
- field_model: 25
Use of spaces and other syntactical features
Configuration setting names should start a new line and not have any leading spaces. The exception is illustrated in the values of the csv_field_templates
setting in the above examples, where the setting's value is a list of other values. In this case the members of the list start with a dash and a space (-
). The trailing space in these values is significant. (However, the leading space before the dash is insignificant, and is used for appearance only.) For example, this snippet is valid:
- field_linked_agent: relators:aut:person:Jordan, Mark
- field_model: 25
whereas this one is not:
-field_linked_agent: relators:aut:person:Jordan, Mark
-field_model: 25
Some setting values are represented in Workbench documentation using square brackets, like this one:
export_csv_field_list: ['field_description', 'field_extent']
Strictly speaking, YAML lists can be represented as either a series of entries on their own lines that start with -
or as entries enclosed in [
and ]
. It's best to follow the examples provided throughout the Workbench documentation.
Required configuration settings
Setting | Required | Default value | Description |
task | ✔️ | One of 'create', 'create_from_files', 'update', delete', 'add_media', 'delete_media', 'update_media', 'export_csv', 'get_data_from_view', 'create_terms', or 'delete_media_by_node'. See "Choosing a task" for more information. | |
host | ✔️ | The hostname, including http:// or https:// of your Islandora repository, and port number if not the default 80. |
username | ✔️ | The username used to authenticate the requests. This Drupal user should be a member of the "Administrator" role. If you want to create nodes that are owned by a specific Drupal user, include their numeric user ID in the uid column in your CSV. |
password | The user's password. You can also set the password in your ISLANDORA_WORKBENCH_PASSWORD environment variable. If you do this, omit the password option in your configuration file. If a password is not available in either your configuration file or in the environment variable, Workbench will prompt for a password. |
Drupal settings
Setting | Required | Default value | Description |
content_type | islandora_object | The machine name of the Drupal node content type you are creating or updating. Required in "create" and "update" tasks. | |
drupal_filesystem | fedora:// | One of 'fedora://', 'public://', or 'private://' (the wrapping quotation marks are required). Only used with Drupal 8.x - 9.1; starting with Drupal 9.2, the filesystem is automatically detected from the media's configuration. Will eventually be deprecated. | |
allow_adding_terms | false | In create , update , add_media , update_media , create_terms , and update_terms tasks, determines if Workbench will add taxonomy terms if they do not exist in the target vocabulary. See more information in the "Taxonomy reference fields" section. Note: this setting is not required in create_terms tasks unless you are adding new terms to a taxonomy reference field on the term entries. |
protected_vocabularies | [] (empty list) | Allows you to exclude vocabularies from having new terms added via allow_adding_terms . See more information in the "Taxonomy reference fields" section. |
vocab_id | ✔️ in create_terms tasks. |
Identifies the vocabulary you are adding terms to in create_tersm tasks. See more information in the "Creating taxonomy terms" section. |
update_mode | replace | Determines if Workbench will replace , append (add to) , or delete field values during update tasks. See more information in the "Updating nodes" section. Also applies to update_media tasks. |
validate_terms_exist | true | If set to false, during --check Workbench will not query Drupal to determine if taxonomy terms exist. The structure of term values in CSV are still validated; this option only tells Workbench to not check for each term's existence in the target Drupal. Useful to speed up the --check process if you know terms don't exist in the target Drupal. |
validate_parent_node_exists | true | If set to false, during --check Workbench will not query Drupal to determine if nodes whose node IDs are in field_member_of exist. Useful to speed up the --check process if you know terms already exist in the target Drupal. |
max_node_title_length | 255 | Set to the number of allowed characters for node titles if your Drupal uses Node Title Length. If unsure what your the maximum length of the node titles your site allows, check the length of the "title" column in your Drupal database's "node_field_data" table. | |
list_missing_drupal_fields | false | Set to true to tell Workbench to provide a list of fields that exist in your input CSV but that cannot be matched to Drupal field names (or reserved column names such as "file"). If false , Workbench will still check for CSV column headers that it can't match to Drupal fields, but will exit upon finding the first such field. This option produces a list of fields instead of exiting on detecting the first field. |
standalone_media_url | false | Set to true if your Drupal instance has the "Standalone media URL" option at /admin/config/media/media-settings checked. The Drupal default is to have this unchecked, so you only need to use this Workbench option if you have changed Drupal's default. More information is available. |
require_entity_reference_views | true | Set to false to tell Workbench to not require a View to expose the values in an entity reference field configured to use an Entity Reference View. Additional information is available here. |
entity_reference_view_endpoints | A list of mappings from Drupal/CSV field names to Views REST Export endpoints used to look up term names for entity reference field configured to use an Entity Reference View. Additional information is available here. | ||
text_format_id | basic_html | The text format ID (machine name) to apply to all Drupal text fields that have a "formatted" field type. See "Text fields with markup" for more information. | |
field_text_format_ids | Defines a mapping between field machine names the machine names of format IDs for "formatted" fields. See "Text fields with markup" for more information. | ||
paragraph_fields | Defines structure of paragraph fields in the input CSV. See "Entity Reference Revisions fields (paragraphs)" for more information. |
Input data location settings
Setting | Required | Default value | Description |
input_dir | input_data | The full or relative path to the directory containing the files and metadata CSV file. | |
input_csv | metadata.csv | Path to the CSV metadata file. Can be absolute, or if just the filename is provided, will be assumed to be in the directory named in input_dir . Can also be the URL to a Google spreadsheet (see the "Using Google Sheets as input data" section for more information). |
google_sheets_csv_filename | google_sheet.csv | Local CSV filename for data from a Google spreadsheet. See the "Using Google Sheets as input data" section for more information. | |
google_sheets_gid | 0 | The "gid" of the worksheet to use in a Google Sheet. See "Using Google Sheets as input data" section for more information. | |
excel_worksheet | Sheet1 | If using an Excel file as your input CSV file, the name of the worksheet that the CSV data will be extracted from. | |
input_data_zip_archives | [] | List of local file paths and/or URLs to .zip archives to extract into the directory defined in input_dir . See "Using a local or remote .zip archive as input data" for more info. |
delete_zip_archive_after_extraction | true | Tells Workbench to delete an inpu zip archive after it has been extracted. |
Input CSV file settings
Setting | Required | Default value | Description |
id_field | id | The name of the field in the CSV that uniquely identifies each record. | |
delimiter | , [comma] | The delimiter used in the CSV file, for example, "," or "\t" (must use double quotes with "\t"). If omitted, defaults to ",". | |
subdelimiter | | [pipe] | The subdelimiter used in the CSV file to define multiple values in one field. If omitted, defaults to "|". Can be a string of multiple characters, e.g. "^^^". | |
csv_field_templates | Used in the create and update tasks only. A list of Drupal field machine names and corresponding values that are copied into the CSV input file. More detail provided in the "CSV field templates" section. |
csv_value_templates | Used in the create and update tasks only. A list of Drupal field machine names and corresponding templates. More detail provided in the "CSV value templates" section. |
csv_value_templates_for_paged_content | Used in the create only. Similar to csv_value_templates but applies to paged/child items created using the "Using subdirectories" method of creating paged content. More detail provided in the "CSV value templates" section. |
csv_value_templates_rand_length | 5 | Length of the $random_alphanumeric_string and $random_number_string variables CSV value templates. More detail provided in the "CSV value templates" section. |
allow_csv_value_templates_if_field_empty | [] | List of fields to populate with CSV value templates if the CSV field is empty. | |
ignore_csv_columns | Used in the create and update tasks only. A list of CSV column headers that Workbench should ignore. For example, ignore_csv_columns: [Target Collection, Ready to publish] |
csv_start_row | Used in create and update tasks. Tells Workbench to ignore all rows/records in input CSV (or Google Sheet or Excel) before the designated row number. More information is available. |
csv_stop_row | Used in create and update tasks. Tells Workbench to ignore all rows/records in input CSV (or Google Sheet or Excel) after the designated row number. More information is available. |
csv_rows_to_process | Used in create and update tasks. Tells Workbench to process only the rows/records in input CSV (or Google Sheet or Excel) with the specified "id" column values. More information is available. |
csv_headers | names | Used in "create", "update" and "create_terms" tasks. Set to "labels" to allow use of field labels (as opposed to machine names) as CSV column headers. | |
clean_csv_values_skip | [] (empty list) | Used in all tasks that use CSV input files. See "How Workbench cleans your input data" for more information. | |
columns_with_term_names | [] (empty list) | Used in all tasks that allow creation of terms on entity ingest. See "Using numbers as term names" for more information. |
Output CSV settings
See "Generating CSV files" section for more information.
Setting | Required | Default value | Description |
output_csv | Used in "create" tasks. The full or relative (to the "workbench" script) path to a CSV file with one record per node created by Workbench. | ||
output_csv_include_input_csv | false | Used in "create" tasks in conjunction with output_csv . Include in the output CSV all the fields (and their values) from the input CSV. |
export_csv_term_mode | tid | Used in "export_csv" tasks to indicate whether vocabulary term IDs or names are included in the output CSV file. Set to "tid" (the default) to include term IDs, or set to "name" to include term names. See "Exporting field data into a CSV file" for more information. | |
export_csv_field_list | [] (empty list) | List of fields to include in exported CSV data. If empty, all fields will be included. See "Using a Drupal View to identify content to export as CSV" for more information. | |
view_parameters | List of URL parameter/value strings to include in requests to a View. See "Using a Drupal View to identify content to export as CSV" for more information. | ||
export_csv_file_path | ✔️ in get_data_from_view tasks. |
Used in the "export_csv" and "get_data_from_view" tasks. The path to the exported CSV file. Required in the "get_data_from_view" task; in the "export_csv" task, if left empty (the default), the file will be named after the value of the input_csv with ".csv_file_with_field_values" appended and saved in the directory identified in input_dir . |
export_file_directory | Used in the "export_csv" and "get_data_from_view" tasks. The path to the directory where files corresponding to the data in the CSV output file will be written. | ||
export_file_media_use_term_id | |
Used in the "export_csv" and "get_data_from_view" tasks. The term ID or URI from the Islandora Media Use vocabulary that identifies the file you want to export. |
Media settings
Setting | Required | Default value | Description |
nodes_only | false | Include this option in create tasks, set to true , if you want to only create nodes and not their accompanying media. See the "Creating nodes but not media" section for more information. |
allow_missing_files | false | Determines if file values that point to missing (not found) files are allowed. Used in the create and add_media tasks. If set to true, file values that point to missing files are allowed. For create tasks, a true value will result in nodes without attached media. For add_media tasks, a true value will skip adding a media for the missing file CSV value. Defaults to false (which means all file values must name files that exist at their specified locations). Note that this setting has no effect on empty file values; these are always logged, and their corresponding media are simply not created. |
exit_on_first_missing_file_during_check | true | Removed as a configuration setting November 1, 2022. Use strict_check instead. |
strict_check | Replaced with perform_soft_checks as of commit dfa60ff (July 14, 2023). |
media_use_tid | |
The term ID for the term from the "Islandora Media Use" vocabulary you want to apply to the media being created in create and add_media tasks. You can provide a term URI instead of a term ID, for example "" . You can specify multiple values for this setting by joining them with the subdelimiter configured in the subdelimiter setting; for example, media_use_tid: 17|18 . You can also set this at the object level by including media_use_tid in your CSV file; values there will override the value set in your configuration file. If you are "Adding multiple media", you define media use term IDs in a slightly different way. |
media_type | ✔️ in add_media and update_media tasks |
Overrides, for all media being created, Workbench's default definition of whether the media being created is an image, file, document, audio, or video. Used in the create , create_from_files , add_media , and update_media , tasks. More detail provided in the "Configuring Media Types" section. Required in all update_media and add_media tasks, not to override Workbench's defaults, but to explicitly indicate the media type being updated/added. |
media_types_override | Overrides default media type definitions on a per file extension basis. Used in the create , add_media , and create_from_files tasks. More detail provided in the "Configuring Media Types" section. |
media_type_file_fields | Defines the name of the media field that references media's file (i.e., the field on the Media type). Usually used with custom media types and accompanied by either the media_type or media_types_override option. For more information, see the "Configuring Media Types" section. |
mimetype_extensions | Overrides Workbench's default mappings between MIME types and file extensions. Usually used with remote files where the remote web server returns a MIME type that is not standard. For more information, see the "Configuring Media Types" section. | ||
extensions_to_mimetypes | Overrides Workbench's default mappings between file extension and MIME types. For more information, see the "Configuring Media Types" section. | ||
delete_media_with_nodes | true | When a node is deleted using a delete task, by default, all if its media are automatically deleted. Set this option to false to not delete all of a node's media (you do not generally want to keep the media without the node). |
use_node_title_for_media_title | true | If set to true (default), name media the same as the parent node's title value. Truncates the value of the field to 255 characters. Applies to both create and add_media tasks. |
use_nid_in_media_title | false | If set to true , assigns a name to the media following the pattern {node_id}-Original File . Set to true to use the parent node's node ID as the media title. Applies to both create and add_media tasks. |
field_for_media_title | Identifies a CSV field name (machine name, not human readable) that will be used as the media title in create tasks. For example, field_for_media_title: id . Truncates the value of the field to 255 characters. Applies to both create and add_media tasks. |
use_node_title_for_remote_filename | false | Set to true to use a version of the parent node's title as the filename for a remote (http[s]) file. Replaces all non-alphanumeric characters with an underscore (_ ). Truncates the value of the field to 255 characters. Applies to both create and add_media tasks. Note: this setting replaces (the previously undocumented) use_nid_in_media_filename setting. |
field_for_remote_filename | Identifies a CSV field name (machine name, not human readable) that will be used as the filename for a remote (http[s]) file. For example, field_for_remote_filename: id . Truncates the value of the field to 255 characters. If the field is empty in the CSV, the CSV ID field value will be used. Applies to both create and add_media tasks. Note: this setting replaces (the previously undocumented) field_for_media_filename setting. |
delete_tmp_upload | false | For remote files, if set to true , the temporary copy of the remote file is deleted after it is used to create media. If false , the copy will remain in the location defined in your temp_dir setting. If the file cannot be deleted (e.g. a virus scanner is scanning it), it will remain and an error message will be added to the log file. |
additional_files | Maps a set of CSV field names to media use terms IDs to create additional media (additional to the media created from the file named in the "file" column, that is) in create and add_media tasks. See "Adding multiple media" for more information. |
fixity_algorithm | None | Checksum/hash algorithm to use during transmission fixity checking. Must be one of "md5", "sha1", or "sha256". See "Fixity checking" for more information. | |
validate_fixity_during_check | false | Perform checksum validation during --check . See "Fixity checking" for more information. |
delete_media_by_node_media_use_tids | [] (empty list) | During delete_media_by_node tasks, allows you to specify which media to delete. Only media with the listed terms IDs from the Islandora Media Use vocabulary will be deleted. By default (an empty list), all media are deleted. See "Deleting Media" for more information. |
Islandora model settings
Setting | Required | Default value | Description |
model [singular] | Used in the create_from_files task only. Defines the term ID from the the "Islandora Models" vocabulary for all nodes created using this task. Note: one of model or models is required. More detail provided in the "Creating nodes from files" section. |
models [plural] | Used in the create_from_files task only. Provides a mapping between file extensions and terms in the "Islandora Models" vocabulary. Note: one of model or models is required. More detail provided in the Creating nodes from files" section. |
Paged and compound content settings
See the section "Creating paged content" for more information.
Setting | Required | Default value | Description |
paged_content_from_directories | false | Set to true if you are using the "Using subdirectories" method of creating paged content. | |
page_files_source_dir_field | id [or whatever is defined as your id column using the id_field configuration setting] |
Set to directory if your input CSV contains a "directory" column that names each row's page, if are using the "Using subdirectories" method of creating paged content. |
paged_content_sequence_separator | - [hyphen] | The character used to separate the page sequence number from the rest of the filename. Used when creating paged content with the "Using subdirectories" method. Note: this configuration option was originally misspelled "paged_content_sequence_seprator". | |
paged_content_page_model_tid | Required if paged_content_from_directories is true. The the term ID from the Islandora Models (or its URI) taxonomy to assign to pages. |
paged_content_image_file_extension | If the subdirectories containing your page image files also contain other files (that are not page images), you need to use this setting to tell Workbench which files to create pages from. Common values include tif , tiff , and jpg . |
paged_content_additional_page_media | A mapping of Media Use term IDs (or URIs) to file extensions telling Workbench which Media Use term to apply to media created from additional files such as OCR text files. | ||
paged_content_page_display_hints | The term ID from the Islandora Display taxonomy to assign to pages. If not included, defaults to the value of the field_display_hints in the parent's record in the CSV file. |
paged_content_page_content_type | Set to the machine name of the Drupal node content type for pages created using the "Using subdirectories" method if it is different than the content type of the parent (which is specified in the content_type setting). | ||
page_title_template | '$parent_title, page $weight' | Template used to generate the titles of pages/members in the "Using subdirectories" method. | |
secondary_tasks | A list of configuration file names that are executed as secondary tasks after the primary task to create compound objects. See "Using a secondary task" for more information. | ||
csv_id_to_node_id_map_path | [temp_dir]/csv_id_to_node_id_map.db | Name of the SQLite database filename used to store CSV row ID to node ID mappings for nodes created during create and create_from_files tasks. If you want to store your map database outside of a temporary directory, use an absolute path to the database file for this setting. If you want to disable population of this database, set this config setting to false . See "Generating CSV files" for more information. |
query_csv_id_to_node_id_map_for_parents | false | Queries the CSV ID to node ID map when creating compound content. Set to true if you want to use parent IDs from previous Workbench sessions. Note: this setting is automatically set to true in secondary task config files. See "Creating parent/child relationships across Workbench sessions for more information." |
ignore_duplicate_parent_ids | true | Tells Workbench to ignore entries in the CSV ID to node ID map that have the same parent ID value. Set to false if you want Workbench to warn you that there are duplicate parent IDs in your CSV ID to node ID map. See "Creating parent/child relationships across Workbench sessions for more information." |
Logging settings
See the "Logging" section for more information.
Setting | Required | Default value | Description |
log_file_path | workbench.log | The path to the log file, absolute or relative to the directory Workbench is run from. | |
log_file_mode | a [append] | Set to "w" to overwrite the log file, if it exists. | |
log_request_url | false | Whether or not to log the request URL (and its method). Useful for debugging. | |
log_json | false | Whether or not to log the raw request JSON POSTed, PUT, or PATCHed to Drupal. Useful for debugging. | |
log_headers | false | Whether or not to log the raw HTTP headers used in all requests. Useful for debugging. | |
log_response_status_code | false | Whether or not to log the HTTP response code. Useful for debugging. | |
log_response_time | false | Whether or not to log the response time of each request that is slower than the average response time for the last 20 HTTP requests Workbench makes to the Drupal server. Useful for debugging. | |
log_response_body | false | Whether or not to log the raw HTTP response body. Useful for debugging. | |
log_file_name_and_line_number | false | Whether or not to add the filename and line number that created the log entry. Useful for debugging. | |
log_term_creation | true | Whether or not to log the creation of new terms during "create" and "update" tasks (does not apply to the "create_terms" task). --check will still report that terms in the CSV do not exist in their respective vocabularies. |
HTTP settings
Setting | Required | Default value | Description |
user_agent | Islandora Workbench | String to use as the User-Agent header in HTTP requests. | |
allow_redirects | true | Whether or not to allow Islandora Workbench to respond to HTTP redirects. | |
secure_ssl_only | true | Whether or not to require valid SSL certificates. Set to false if you want to ignore SSL certificates. |
enable_http_cache | true | Whether or not to enable Workbench's client-side request cache. Set to false if you want to disable the cache during troubleshooting, etc. |
http_cache_storage | memory | The backend storage type for the client-side cache. Set to sqlite if you are getting out of memory errors while running Islandora Workbench. |
http_cache_storage_expire_after | 1200 | Length of the client-side cache lifespan (in seconds). Reduce this number if you are using the sqlite storage backend and the database is using too much disk space. Note that reducing the cache lifespan will result in increased load on your Drupal server. |
Miscellaneous settings
Setting | Required | Default value | Description |
perform_soft_checks | false | If set to true, --check will not exit when it encounters an error with parent/child order, file extension registration with Drupal media file fields, missing files named in the files CSV column, or EDTF validation. Instead, it will log any errors it encounters and exit after it has checked all rows in the CSV input file. Note: this setting replaces strict_check as of commit dfa60ff (July 14, 2023). |
temp_dir | Value of the temporary directory defined by your system as defined by Python's gettempdir() function. | Relative or absolute path to the directory where you want Workbench's temporary files to be written. These include the ".preprocessed" version of the your input CSV, remote files temporarily downloaded to create media, and the CSV ID to node ID map database. | |
sqlite_db_filename | [temp_dir]/workbench_temp_data.db | Name of the SQLite database filename used to store session data. | |
rollback_dir | Value of input_dir setting |
Absolute path to the directory where you want your "rollback.csv" file to be written. See "Rolling back" for more information. | |
timestamp_rollback | false | Set to true to add a timestamp to the "rollback.yml" and corresponding "rollback.csv" generated in "create" and "create_from_files" tasks. See "Rolling back" for more information. |
pause | Defines the number of seconds to pause between all 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE' requests to Drupal. Include it in your configuration to lessen the impact of Islandora Workbench on your site during large jobs, for example pause: 1.5. More information is available in the "Reducing Workbench's impact on Drupal" documentation. | ||
adaptive_pause | Defines the number of seconds to pause between each REST request to Drupal. Works like "pause" but only takes effect when the Drupal server's response to the most recent request is slower (determined by the "adaptive_pause_threshold" value) than the average response time for the last 20 requests. More information is available in the "Reducing Workbench's impact on Drupal" documentation. | ||
adaptive_pause_threshold | 2 | A weighting of the response time for the most recent request, relative to the average response times of the last 20 requests. This weighting determines how much slower the Drupal server's response to the most recent Workbench request must be in order for adaptive pausing to take effect for the next request. For example, if set to "1", adaptive pausing will happen when the response time is equal to the average of the last 20 response times; if set to "2", adaptive pausing will take effect if the last requests's response time is double the average. | |
progress_bar | false | Show a progress bar when running Workbench instead of row-by-row output. | |
bootstrap | List of absolute paths to one or more scripts that execute prior to Workbench connecting to Drupal. More information is available in the "Hooks" documentation. | ||
shutdown | List of absolute paths to one or more scripts that execute after Workbench connecting to Drupal. More information is available in the "Hooks" documentation. | ||
preprocessors | List of absolute paths to one or more scripts that are applied to CSV values prior to the values being ingested into Drupal. More information is available in the "Hooks" documentation. | ||
node_post_create | List of absolute paths to one or more scripts that execute after a node is created. More information is available in the "Hooks" documentation. | ||
node_post_update | List of absolute paths to one or more scripts that execute after a node is updated. More information is available in the "Hooks" documentation. | ||
media_post_create | List of absolute paths to one or more scripts that execute after a media is created. More information is available in the "Hooks" documentation. | ||
drupal_8 | Deprecated. | ||
path_to_python | python | Used in create tasks that also use the secondary_tasks option. Tells Workbench the path to the python interpreter. For details on when to use this option, refer to the end of the "Secondary Tasks" section of "Creating paged, compound, and collection content". |
path_to_workbench_script | workbench | Used in create tasks that also use the secondary_tasks option. Tells Workbench the path to the python interpreter. For details on when to use this option, refer to the end of the "Secondary Tasks" section of "Creating paged, compound, and collection content". |
contact_sheet_output_dir | contact_sheet_output | Used in create tasks to specify the name of the directory where contact sheet output is written. Can be relative (to the Workbench directory) or absolute. See "Generating a contact sheet" for more information. |
contact_sheet_css_path | assets/contact_sheet/contact-sheet.css | Used in create tasks to specify the path of the CSS stylesheet to use in contact sheets. Can be relative (to the Workbench directory) or absolute. See "Generating a contact sheet" for more information. |
node_exists_verification_view_endpoint | Used in create tasks to tell Workbench to check whether a node with a matching value in your input CSV already exists. See "Checking if nodes already exist" for more information. |
redirect_status_code | 301 | Used in create_redirect tasks to set the HTTP response code in redirects. See "Prompting the user" for more information. |
remind_user_to_run_check | false | Prompt the user to confirm whether they have run Workbench with --check . See "Prompting the user" for more information. |
user_prompts | [] (empty list) | List of custom prompts to present to the user. See "Prompting the user" for more information. |
When you run Islandora Workbench with the --check
argument, it will verify that all configuration options required for the current task are present, and if they aren't tell you so.
Islandora Workbench automatically converts any configuration keys to lowercase, e.g., Task
is equivalent to task
Validating the syntax of the configuration file
When you run Workbench, it confirms that your configuration file is valid YAML. This is a syntax check only, not a content check. If the file is valid YAML, Workbench then goes on to perform a long list of application-specific checks.
If this syntax check fails, some detail about the problem will be displayed to the user. The same information plus the entire Python stack trace is also logged to a file named "workbench.log" in the directory Islandora Workbench is run from. This file name is Workbench's default log file name, but in this case (validating the config file's YAML syntax), that file name is used regardless of the log file location defined in the configuration's log_file_path
option. The reason the error is logged in the default location instead of the value in the configuration file (if one is present) is that the configuration file isn't valid YAML and therefore can't be parsed.
Example configuration files
These examples provide inline annotations explaining why the settings are included in the configuration file. Blank rows/lines are included for readability.
Create nodes only, no media
task: create
host: "http://localhost:8000"
username: admin
password: islandora
# This setting tells Workbench to create nodes with no media.
# Also, this tells --check to skip all validation of "file" locations.
# Other media settings, like "media_use_tid", are also ignored.
nodes_only: true
Use a custom log file location
task: create
host: "http://localhost:8000"
username: admin
password: islandora
# This setting tells Workbench to write its log file to the location specified
# instead of the default "workbench.log" within the directory Workbench is run from.
log_file_path: /home/mark/workbench_log.txt
Include some CSV field templates
task: create
host: "http://localhost:8000"
username: admin
password: islandora
# The values in this list of field templates are applied to every row in the
# input CSV file before the CSV file is used to populate Drupal fields. The
# field templates are also applied during the "--check" in order to validate
# the values of the fields.
- field_member_of: 205
- field_model: 25
Use a Google Sheet as input CSV
task: create
host: "http://localhost:8000"
username: admin
password: islandora
input_csv: '
# You only need to specify the google_sheets_gid option if the worksheet in the Google Sheet
# is not the default one.
google_sheets_gid: 1867618389
Create nodes and media from files (no input CSV file)
task: create_from_files
host: "http://localhost:8000"
username: admin
password: islandora
# The files to create the nodes from are in this directory.
input_dir: /tmp/sample_files
# This tells Workbench to write a CSV file containing node IDs of the
# created nodes, plus the field names used in the target content type
# ("islandora_object" by default).
output_csv: /tmp/sample_files.csv
# All nodes should get the "Model" value corresponding to this URI.
model: ''
Create taxonomy terms
task: create_terms
host: "http://localhost:8000"
username: admin
password: islandora
input_csv: my_term_data.csv
vocab_id: myvocabulary
Ignore some columns in your input CSV file
task: create
host: "http://localhost:8000"
username: admin
password: islandora
input_csv: input.csv
# This tells Workbench to ignore the 'date_generated' and 'batch_id'
# columns in the input.csv file.
ignore_csv_columns: ['date_generated', 'batch_id']
Generating sample Islandora content
task: create_from_files
host: "http://localhost:8000"
username: admin
password: islandora
# This directory must match the on defined in the script's 'dest_dir' variable.
input_dir: /tmp/autogen_input
media_use_tid: 17
output_csv: /tmp/my_sample_content_csv.csv
# This is the script that generates the sample content.
- "/home/mark/Documents/hacking/workbench/"
Running a post-action script
ask: create
host: "http://localhost:8000"
username: admin
password: islandora
node_post_create: ['/home/mark/hacking/islandora_workbench/scripts/']
# node_post_update: ['/home/mark/hacking/islandora_workbench/scripts/']
# media_post_create: ['/home/mark/hacking/islandora_workbench/scripts/']
Create nodes and media from files
task: create_from_files
host: "http://localhost:8000"
username: admin
password: islandora
input_dir: path/to/files
- '': ['zip', 'tar', '']
- '': ['pdf', 'doc', 'docx', 'ppt', 'pptx']
- '': ['tif', 'tiff', 'jp2', 'png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg']
- '': ['mp3', 'wav', 'aac']
- '': ['mp4']